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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Whitening Teeth Secrets

See the secret!!!
Whenever you see a person with a set of perfect white teeth, you have to stop yourself from approaching that person and asking him or her, “What’s your secret? Why are your teeth so white?” If only it would not be embarrassing to ask a complete stranger about his or her teeth, you would have done it a long time ago. You just cannot figure out why some people have white pearls while you are stuck with your yellowish teeth.
In this article, you will find some of the best secrets to whiter teeth that would help you achieve that perfect white smile you have always desired.
White teeth secret # 1 – Use baking soda
Baking soda, an item that is commonly found in your home, is something you can use other than for baking pastries and cookies. In fact, you can make use of baking soda to whiten your teeth. How is that possible? Not many people are aware that baking soda has natural bleaching capabilities. Mix it with salt, and voila, you got here a natural whitener you can use in place of toothpaste for cleaning and whitening your teeth.
White teeth secret # 2 – Apply lemon juice on your teeth
Lemon juice can do more than quench your thirst during a sunny day. Lemon juice is also a natural whitener that you can apply onto the surface of your teeth so that it would be whiter and shinier. Let the lemon juice stay on your teeth for a couple of minutes and then rinse your mouth afterwards with water.
White teeth secret # 3 – Stay away from coffee
Coffee is one of the culprits to stained teeth. If you are such a coffee addict, what you can do is to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after you sip this beverage. Other types of teeth staining food and drinks include tea, soda, red wine, dark colored berries, tomato sauce, and soy sauce. If you cannot avoid these items altogether, the least you can do is to gargle water or brush your teeth after eating or drinking any of these.
White teeth secret # 4 – Do not brush too much
Some people think that brushing their teeth hard and often would make their teeth white. The opposite is true. When you brush your teeth rigorously or too frequently, the enamel can be eroded. When this happens, the darker shade of teeth layer called dentin is revealed. Therefore, the secret here is to brush gently and only twice or thrice a day. Anymore than that and you will be overdoing it.
White teeth secret # 5 – Purchase over-the-counter whitening products
This last tip is actually not a big secret since we all know that these products are available for this specific purpose. However, the real secret lies in how you choose the teeth whitening products to buy. Hydrogen peroxide is the common ingredient used in these products. The quantity of this ingredient determines the degree of effectiveness of the product.
But before you go buying the product with the highest percentage of hydrogen peroxide, consult first with your dentist because you would not want something that is too harsh for your teeth especially if your teeth are sensitive.
Teeth whitening is something that you can achieve. Now that you know the secrets on how to have a dazzling smile, make sure you start doing something about that stains and discoloration that you have so long wanted to get rid of.
See the secret!!! 

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