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Monday, April 15, 2013

Home Take a Sneak Peak Look Inside the Total Wellness Cleanse…

Total Wellness Cleanse Diet: extremely potent detoxing diet plan
A Certified Kinesiologist and Holistic Nutritionist, Yuri Elkaim, who is also a former professional soccer player and an honors graduate in physical education and health, had introduced a unique diet plan named as The Total Wellness Cleanse to clean out the toxins from your body in a natural manner.
According to Elkaim that if your body is influenced by the household chemicals, environmental toxins, processed ingredients and food preservative then you may feel tired, sluggish, lack of energy and over weighed. You can rapidly cleanse your body from the effect of these toxic chemicals through the 30 days simple cleansing program designed by him containing easily affordable ingredients.
Basics of Wellness Cleanse Diet program
The diet plan of Total wellness cleanse Diet was designed after considering three main targets- alkalizing the body, taking out the sugar from the diet and purifying the blood and repairing and supporting vital tissues of the body.
The body is alkalized by reducing the acidic elements in the blood to transform your health and energy in a dramatic manner. This goal is achieved easily if you reduce the sugar element from your diet which will reduce acidity effectively and take care of the parasites and Candida. This effect of your planned diet will naturally improve the health of your stomach, lever and small intestines to keep you healthy.
How the Wellness Cleanse Diet program works
You can cleanse your body from the effect of domestic toxins in three phases where first phase is considered as cleanse phase that continues for two weeks and the second phase is known as maintenance phase for two more weeks and the third phase includes post cleansing plan for 8 weeks. In the initial phase alkaline diets are provided to reduce the effect of acidic and allergenic elements in your body that will help in reducing toxins and improving the functioning of vital organs of your body. In the second stage a personalized lifestyle plan and cleansing diet plan is implemented to maintain the condition of your body. In the third and final phase your body is allowed to transit to the real lifestyle to live a normal life. Users are also suggested to do exercises regularly thrice a day for 20-30 minutes like yoga, walking, deep breathing and strength training etc. to keep you fit along with helping in cleansing your body.
Total Wellness Cleanse Diet offers you to adopt either of the three diet levels as per your wish as it has three types of diet plans- standard whole food diet, raw food diet and green juice feast. You can adopted either of them and have the flexibility of switch over to other anytime to find the suitable one. But the emphasis in all these three diet plans is given to green vegetables in any form- salads, juices or smoothies. Fruits except pears, berries and apples are usually avoided in the cleansing phase of this diet plan.
Suggested foods in Total Wellness Cleanse Diet
The suggested foods in Total Wellness Cleanse Diet program may include raw and cooked vegetables, vegetable juice, apples, quinoa, berries, avocado, sprouts, buckwheat, brown rice, almonds, millet, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chick peas, lentils, black beans, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, olive oil, miso, spices, stevia, herbs tamari and apple cider vinegar.
A sample of the diet plan recommended in Total Wellness Cleanse Diet can provide a clear picture about the plan. It starts with our rising when you can take one glass of lemon water and a cup of tea of dandelion roots. In breakfast you can take super greens along with a handful of seeds and nuts as morning snacks. Your lunch may include tabouli and broccoli soup. Raw veggies with hummus can be included in your afternoon snacks. Your dinner will include green soup, roasted rosemary sweet potatoes and a cup of peppermint tea.
Thus, 30 days Total Wellness Cleanse Diet program is designed to encourage the weight loss as well as to keep you fit generally by eliminating toxins from your body by alkalizing it. But the effectiveness of the program depends upon the level of your commitment as you can get positive results in a short while even if you have failed to resolve your prolonged health problem till now using various other dietary methods.

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