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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Whitening Teeth Secrets

See the secret!!!
Whenever you see a person with a set of perfect white teeth, you have to stop yourself from approaching that person and asking him or her, “What’s your secret? Why are your teeth so white?” If only it would not be embarrassing to ask a complete stranger about his or her teeth, you would have done it a long time ago. You just cannot figure out why some people have white pearls while you are stuck with your yellowish teeth.
In this article, you will find some of the best secrets to whiter teeth that would help you achieve that perfect white smile you have always desired.
White teeth secret # 1 – Use baking soda
Baking soda, an item that is commonly found in your home, is something you can use other than for baking pastries and cookies. In fact, you can make use of baking soda to whiten your teeth. How is that possible? Not many people are aware that baking soda has natural bleaching capabilities. Mix it with salt, and voila, you got here a natural whitener you can use in place of toothpaste for cleaning and whitening your teeth.
White teeth secret # 2 – Apply lemon juice on your teeth
Lemon juice can do more than quench your thirst during a sunny day. Lemon juice is also a natural whitener that you can apply onto the surface of your teeth so that it would be whiter and shinier. Let the lemon juice stay on your teeth for a couple of minutes and then rinse your mouth afterwards with water.
White teeth secret # 3 – Stay away from coffee
Coffee is one of the culprits to stained teeth. If you are such a coffee addict, what you can do is to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after you sip this beverage. Other types of teeth staining food and drinks include tea, soda, red wine, dark colored berries, tomato sauce, and soy sauce. If you cannot avoid these items altogether, the least you can do is to gargle water or brush your teeth after eating or drinking any of these.
White teeth secret # 4 – Do not brush too much
Some people think that brushing their teeth hard and often would make their teeth white. The opposite is true. When you brush your teeth rigorously or too frequently, the enamel can be eroded. When this happens, the darker shade of teeth layer called dentin is revealed. Therefore, the secret here is to brush gently and only twice or thrice a day. Anymore than that and you will be overdoing it.
White teeth secret # 5 – Purchase over-the-counter whitening products
This last tip is actually not a big secret since we all know that these products are available for this specific purpose. However, the real secret lies in how you choose the teeth whitening products to buy. Hydrogen peroxide is the common ingredient used in these products. The quantity of this ingredient determines the degree of effectiveness of the product.
But before you go buying the product with the highest percentage of hydrogen peroxide, consult first with your dentist because you would not want something that is too harsh for your teeth especially if your teeth are sensitive.
Teeth whitening is something that you can achieve. Now that you know the secrets on how to have a dazzling smile, make sure you start doing something about that stains and discoloration that you have so long wanted to get rid of.
See the secret!!! 

The Biggest Loser Diet

What Is the Biggest Loser Diet?
See the secret!!!
You, too, can be The Biggest Loser by following a diet and fitness program similar to that used by contestants on the NBC TV show of the same name. There are no televised temptations of cheesy pasta or gooey brownies for home dieters, no diet pills or personal trainers -- just a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

This is a low-calorie diet based on TheBiggest Loser pyramid of 4-3-2-1 (four servings of fruits and veggies; three of lean protein; two of whole grains; and one "extra"), along with good old-fashioned exercise. Eat a diet based largely on fruits, vegetables and lean protein, add a heavy dose of physical activity and you will lose weight, lower cholesterol, decrease blood pressure, and become stronger and more energized.

Tufts University obesity clinician and researcher Michael Dansinger, MD, developed the weight loss program accompanied by dietitian and chef Cheryl Forberg, RD, and trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels, working with writer Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, PhD.

Over the course of the 12-week program, you can expect to eat small, frequent meals containing plenty of fiber and protein, for fullness without too many calories.

"We emphasize the quality of the calories so you can meet your nutritional needs [and] enjoy more natural, healthy whole foods and lean proteins that will help you deal with hunger before it happens," says Forberg.

And you won't be eating any "appetite stimulating" white foods like bread, pasta, or potatoes. Keeping daily food logs, watching portion sizes, and drinking 48-64 ounces of water each day round out the basic plan.

You can also count on daily workouts, starting at 30 minutes and increasing to an hour. The book contains a detailed cardio and strength-training program that increases in intensity for a "fat-busting boost." You'll also find plenty of tips and inspiration from former contestants throughout the book.

Sounds simple enough, but when you don't have a personal trainer pushing you, as the TV contestants have, how do you stay motivated? You can join The Biggest Loser club for online support, meal plans, recipes, customized fitness information, a journal, and more for about $5 per week. Biggest Loser cookbooks and fitness books are also available for purchase.
What You Can Eat on The Biggest Loser Diet

The book includes one-week sample meal plans for 1,200-, 1,500- and 1,800-calorie diets, along with some recipes. Forty-five percent of the total calories come from carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and 25% from fat.

The 4-3-2-1 Biggest Loser  Pyramid sets the stage for number of servings from each of the food groups:

4 servings of fruits and vegetables
3 servings of protein -- lean, vegetarian, or low-fat dairy
2 servings of whole grains
1 extra of fats, oils, sweets, alcohol, or your choice, equivalent to 200 calories
See the secret!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

What Is a Detox Diet, and Who Needs It?

Yo-yo dieter Oprah went on the 21-Day Cleanse back in the summer of 2008, singer Beyonce Knowles has admitted to following the Master Cleanse to shed 20 pounds for her movie role inDreamgirls, and actress Gwyneth Paltrow sent out a newsletter this January from her lifestyle Web site,, touting a weeklong elimination diet. "I need to lose a few pounds of holiday excess," she wrote. "Anyone else?"
Such celebrities seem to buy into so-called "detox diets" as a way to drop pounds fast. But the real premise of a true elimination diet or cleanse program (both types of detoxification diets, or "detox diets" for short) is to facilitate the removal of toxins and pollutants from your body. How? By cutting out your intake of contaminants, so you'll gradually eliminate unhealthy substances like pesticides, smog and pollution, alcohol, and caffeine from your body.
"There are a lot of people who believe that because we live in a world with so many environmental pollutants and medications that people are taking, the liver is overstressed," explains Mary Jane Detroyer, a New York-based registered dietitian andexercise physiologist. "The whole idea of a detox diet is to rid toxins from the body, because the liver is overloaded and needs some outside help."
But do our bodies actually need a special diet to cleanse itself? Not really, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, an American Dietetic Association spokesperson and FITNESS advisory board member. "Our bodies have organs such as the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and digestive system to remove these unnecessary substances every day without the help of any special detox diet or potions to help it along."
Compared to how many people try fad detox diets, few people actually need it. (To see if you do, Detroyer recommends getting your liver enzymes checked out by your physician. "If they're elevated, that means your liver is stressed," she says. Several factors can cause elevated levels, such as medication, excessive alcohol consumption, or being overweight.)
However, if you still feel inclined to embark on a detox plan, dieter beware: "For mosthealthy people, doing a detox for a few days won't lead to any long-term health problems," says Blatner. "However, for someone who has conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, digestive issues, or women who are pregnant, children or teens, and elderly, these extreme changes to their diet can mean anything from dizziness to fainting to coma since the diets affect electrolyte and blood sugar balance."
And even if you don't suffer from any of those conditions, taking on a long-term cleanse (ahem, Oprah) can lead to a host of other problems, such as vitamin and mineral deficiency and muscle breakdown -- not really surprising when you're doing something extreme like drinking nothing but lemon water with maple syrup and cayenne pepper for 10 days, as the Master Cleanse encourages.
Still, there may be one good side effect from starting a detox plan: "A healthy person following a short-term detox diet may get a bit of a mental jump start into eating healthier and exercising for the rest of the year," Blatner concedes.

Beauty Detox Solution: Kimberly Snyder

The Beauty Detox Solution is written by Kimberly Snyder, celebrity nutritionist and fitness expert, and is designed to help you feel younger and achieve optimal beauty.
Kimberly Snyder’s approach involves cleansing the body to promote weight loss, improved appearance and an enhancement of general health.
You will learn a way of eating that involves choosing foods that are easy to digest, especially fresh fruit and vegetables, and eating them in the right order and best combinations to promote optimal digestion and elimination of toxins.
See the secret!!!

Total Wellness Cleanse Review - Is it the Best Body Cleanse Program?

Program's creator Yuri Elkaim says, “if you feel sluggish, overweight, tired, and lacking in energy, then your body has probably been overwhelmed by environmental toxins, household chemicals, food preservatives, and processed ingredients.” His 30-day cleansing program is designed to help you to rapidly cleanse your body of these toxic chemicals with a simple plan that doesn’t require the use of expensive detox supplements. 

The Total Wellness Cleanse Diet was intended to accomplish three major goals: 

  • Alkalize the body: When you reduce the level of acidic wastes in your blood, your energy and health will dramatically transform.
  • Get sugars out of the diet: Eliminating sugars reduces acidity and assists with addressing parasites and candida.
  • Repair and support vital tissues and purify the blood: The health of the liver, stomach and small intestines should noticeably improve.

Home Take a Sneak Peak Look Inside the Total Wellness Cleanse…

Total Wellness Cleanse Diet: extremely potent detoxing diet plan
A Certified Kinesiologist and Holistic Nutritionist, Yuri Elkaim, who is also a former professional soccer player and an honors graduate in physical education and health, had introduced a unique diet plan named as The Total Wellness Cleanse to clean out the toxins from your body in a natural manner.
According to Elkaim that if your body is influenced by the household chemicals, environmental toxins, processed ingredients and food preservative then you may feel tired, sluggish, lack of energy and over weighed. You can rapidly cleanse your body from the effect of these toxic chemicals through the 30 days simple cleansing program designed by him containing easily affordable ingredients.
Basics of Wellness Cleanse Diet program
The diet plan of Total wellness cleanse Diet was designed after considering three main targets- alkalizing the body, taking out the sugar from the diet and purifying the blood and repairing and supporting vital tissues of the body.
The body is alkalized by reducing the acidic elements in the blood to transform your health and energy in a dramatic manner. This goal is achieved easily if you reduce the sugar element from your diet which will reduce acidity effectively and take care of the parasites and Candida. This effect of your planned diet will naturally improve the health of your stomach, lever and small intestines to keep you healthy.
How the Wellness Cleanse Diet program works
You can cleanse your body from the effect of domestic toxins in three phases where first phase is considered as cleanse phase that continues for two weeks and the second phase is known as maintenance phase for two more weeks and the third phase includes post cleansing plan for 8 weeks. In the initial phase alkaline diets are provided to reduce the effect of acidic and allergenic elements in your body that will help in reducing toxins and improving the functioning of vital organs of your body. In the second stage a personalized lifestyle plan and cleansing diet plan is implemented to maintain the condition of your body. In the third and final phase your body is allowed to transit to the real lifestyle to live a normal life. Users are also suggested to do exercises regularly thrice a day for 20-30 minutes like yoga, walking, deep breathing and strength training etc. to keep you fit along with helping in cleansing your body.
Total Wellness Cleanse Diet offers you to adopt either of the three diet levels as per your wish as it has three types of diet plans- standard whole food diet, raw food diet and green juice feast. You can adopted either of them and have the flexibility of switch over to other anytime to find the suitable one. But the emphasis in all these three diet plans is given to green vegetables in any form- salads, juices or smoothies. Fruits except pears, berries and apples are usually avoided in the cleansing phase of this diet plan.
Suggested foods in Total Wellness Cleanse Diet
The suggested foods in Total Wellness Cleanse Diet program may include raw and cooked vegetables, vegetable juice, apples, quinoa, berries, avocado, sprouts, buckwheat, brown rice, almonds, millet, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chick peas, lentils, black beans, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, olive oil, miso, spices, stevia, herbs tamari and apple cider vinegar.
A sample of the diet plan recommended in Total Wellness Cleanse Diet can provide a clear picture about the plan. It starts with our rising when you can take one glass of lemon water and a cup of tea of dandelion roots. In breakfast you can take super greens along with a handful of seeds and nuts as morning snacks. Your lunch may include tabouli and broccoli soup. Raw veggies with hummus can be included in your afternoon snacks. Your dinner will include green soup, roasted rosemary sweet potatoes and a cup of peppermint tea.
Thus, 30 days Total Wellness Cleanse Diet program is designed to encourage the weight loss as well as to keep you fit generally by eliminating toxins from your body by alkalizing it. But the effectiveness of the program depends upon the level of your commitment as you can get positive results in a short while even if you have failed to resolve your prolonged health problem till now using various other dietary methods.


Us girls in the Cosmo office are always on the lookout for some get-fit-quick tips, and so, when Men's Health  landed on our desks this month we were over the moon to find that they had 100 tips for just that! Hoorah! The tips were so good, we have edited the best ones just for you. Enjoy getting fit ladies.


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